Friday 7 November 2008

Grandma and Grandad

What are those two looking at?
Is it the rogue potatoes that decided to come up?
Is it the design of a you beaut only fixed it 10 times irrigation scheme?
Or is it the lettuce that i just finished standing on, coz the garden was way too full of little seedlings.

Anyway, Dad knew exactly where every plant was in that patch. He basically reconstructed the surface and substrate soil and did a marvellous job. Hopefully we can sample some of the fruits this summer. He may be interested to know that we also planted an apricot tree at the Y of the back garden.
We may give yas some updates on the growth in said patch, when said growth appears via the digital photo means one day.

Bj and I had a great time with G & G even though we all went through some hardship or other such as colds, flus, headaches, etc. It was so quiet the days after Mum & Dad were gone.
And above, you see Quinlan being very photogenic, as well as telling Grandma a very long story.
He was telling her how it was great to have someone else to push the pram and to console him.

Don't worry Quinlan. Diana and Tash are coming soon...

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