Friday 27 January 2012

Little Miss E, 4 weeks already!

Little miss has made it to 4 weeks already! Boy how time flies when your busy with three little ones!

Wednesday was our 4 week check with the clinic sister and Eleanor passed with flying colours! Some stats:
Weight - 3700g
Length - 50cm

In 9 days she's managed to gain 900g and grow 2 cm! She's now smiling at us, not that often, and is still a pretty content baby!

So, without further ado, some recent photo's (starting with the most recent)........

4 weeks old!

 Milk drunk!

Pretty in pink (thanks Kaitlyn)!

Testing out the ergo (a few weeks ago)! 
We used it properly yesterday with much success (E went off to sleep in it)

So til next time...........LBQSE

1 comment:

  1. Just love the new pictures. She sure is growing!

    Mum H


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