Sunday 19 August 2012


Just a few photo's from the last few weeks! I'm a little slack getting the camera out, a lot goes on in a day and photography usually isn't very high on the list of priorities!

We spent a week up the northern half of the state with my parents while my sister and niece were over from the west. These two munchkins would/will be a whole lot of trouble when they are older! Such a cheeky pair between them and never short of smiles and laughs! You would never guess who eats the most!

I tried so hard to get a nice photo of all 3 small people, but after about 10 attempts this was about the best of the lot!!

 And this little monkey has finally decided sitting isn't so bad and one does not need to throw themselves backward or try to perfect the art of planking when mum tries to sit me on the floor!! Ok, so she only sits for about 5 minutes at a stretch, but those muscles will get stronger!! She has also managed to cut her first tooth with the second very close to erupting as well (bit disappointed about the development of teeth at 7.5months, was hoping she would be like the boys and wait until about 9 months).

Maybe the camera will appear a little more often in the next few weeks with Q's birthday rapidly approaching (but don't get your hopes up)!

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