Saturday 29 September 2012

Recent Photo's!

Was playing with the camera tonight at the dinner table (interesting place to have the camera) and thought I'd pop a few recent pics on the blog!

Life is pretty busy, Larry is on prac for his Masters of Teaching (one week down, 3 more to go), I am busy spring cleaning and sorting out all our 'stuff' including 4 years worth of boys clothes (and there are lots of those) and just keeping up with general day to day things that need to be done to keep this house running fairly efficiently! Not to mention, remembering what it's like to be home with 3 littlies on my own from 7.30am til about 5.30pm! No reprieve from tantrums, fighting, yelling and general mayhem when he's not home during the day! Recently (before Larry started prac) I've been having some 'alone' time fairly regularly, just me and the dog (or maybe that's Spud and me bonding time)!

The boys are challenging us daily with some pretty erratic behaviour, mostly part and parcel of the ages and stage in their young lives that their at! Some days I feel like banging my head against a brick wall is a more effective use of my time and effort! Hmmmm, I'm sure the challenges will change again with time!

It's not all bad, they do play quite well together at times most of the time!

Anyway, enough dribble.......Pics are what your really here for!

How could you not love this cheeky little monkey!

Proof they do play nicely! 
Aunty Diana.....this book is the bane of my existence some days!!

Sebastian is telling me all about the book, E thinks Q is the bestest big brother 
(she really does love him to bits, lights up as soon as she sees him!).

This is where Q wanted to sleep, on the floor, for his afternoon nap!

A face we get regularly at the dinner table! Lifes a joke when your little!

This one is growing up to fast and constantly amazes us with his vocabulary and his ability to use 'big' words' in the appropriate context! He is oh so ready for school!!

So now you are up-to-date, even with photo's from this evening (even though Sebastian didn't feature in many of them)!!

Til next time......LBQSE

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo updates, Bj!! Eleanor is such a doll! And you're not the only one dealing with sibling issues. Although, I must say once one goes to school they play better, because they don't get as much time together. :)


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