Tuesday 17 February 2009

Collages and Squished Vegies or: The Scourge of the Scaphoids or: Slava and our Smiley Son at the Symphony

Here are some of the things we have been up to lately.
We being Quinlan and the rest of us. He generally drags us parents around town, seeing who he is able to charm. This being most people.
Obviously from the photos he is being bottle fed now, as well as eating healthy squished vegies and apple.

His ol dad broke his scaphoid bone in his right hand playing indoor soccer (the beautiful game) and is incapacitated somewhat at the moment (I did type this literature however).
Mr Q is good to have around to ease the boredom, and to breathe some laughter into the bones.

Photos of the burgundy, wine coloured (not pink) cast swathed arm will follow.
Well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves and go in search of some sympathy.
In other news, we did go on Saturday night to the TSO Symphony under the stars at Tolosa St Park with some friends and the little Q man. This was the evening after m'self having broken me scaphoid. Twas a regular highlight event with Slava Gregorian playing guitar and we got to hear some fine notes.
In other news, I can still play my baritone. Yay!
Bj is having fun taking Quinlan to Mothers group every Tuesday (I'm not allowed to go for some reason).
Quin, Larry & Bj
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1 comment:

  1. Aww, guys, he (that's Quinlan) is just gorgeous. Look forward to seeing some more pics of his dear dad. Sorry to hear about the broken bone. Hope it heals soon and is not too much of a hindrance. Please bring Quinlan over for a visit before he gets too big!!!


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