Saturday 28 February 2009

Quinlan photos, his half birthday and the promised red cast photos

This week I started work at the Hobart Call centre for Centrelink; after last week applying to Centrelink for Newstart allowance (incapacitated) they promptly decided to give me a job.

Well, it wasn't quite like that but hey.

It's actually quite interesting and we get to give people some good news about the new household stimulus packages.

Like I said in the last post, I broke a bone in my hand (scaphoid) and here is a picture I my good self earlier this morning reading W the P to Q with cast on show.

Here are some more recent photographs of the boy Quinlan.

And the other week we were at the symphony under the stars. I wasn't really aware that we got these cool shots. Bj is actually quite good at capturing these moments.


  1. The boy Quinlan sure is a handsome fellow!

    Give him a hug from me...

  2. Great pics!! Quinlan looks like a real little bunny, thoroughly enjoying his comfy life!!


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