Friday 23 March 2012

Church Camp

Last weekend we were able to join the Southern Presbyterian Church at their annual Church camp! It was great way to join the wider Church community (they have several congregations in the state) in fellowship and the Study of God's Word. We renewed several 'old' friendships and met more people in one weekend than I would in a several months. The boys (Q especially as they have an in-ground trampoline) had a blast and Eleanor had more willing pairs of arms than she could cope with, at times! We were blessed with beautiful, mild weather as well.

The study aspect focused on the birth and resurrection of Christ under the general theme of 'Christ a man for all seasons'. The guest speaker was Pastor Mac Callum from St Georges Presbyterian Church in Sydney. We also enjoyed a session 'Questions Panel' where 4 people where chosen from the camp attendees to answer questions that had been submitted (anonymously) prior to the session starting. Those in the audience were able to answer/comment on questions also.

Saturday night we enjoyed a night of games and fellowship, with some very competitive players (Bruce n Sarah eat your heart out!!).

We only took a few photo's during the afternoon activities on Saturday! There was 'The Challenge' for older (but youthful) camp attendees and a fishing activity for the younger children (which Q loved, but not as much as the trampoline)!

Little Miss all ready to go!

 Q a picture of concentration!

Sebastian having a turn!

All the children and a few random parents/helpers

Group photos (some people only came for part of the camp, or just for the day on Sunday).

So that's the updates for today! Hopefully it wont be quite so long between posts next time!

Til then..........LBQSE

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