Wednesday 28 March 2012

Surprise Visit!

One phone call can change a weekends plans in an instant!! After receiving a phone call from my sister on Friday (the 23rd of March) just before 8am, I had flights booked to Perth for the following morning by 9.30am. Plans for a quiet weekend (having the kids on my own while Larry went to WA) went out the window and a surprise was in the making! A phone call to one sister-in-law and the surprise was set!

Roll on 6am and Larry and I (with Eleanor) depart for Perth arriving at 9.30am (Perth time). We met Bruce and Sarah (and kids) at the airport, and surprise a shocked Diana. On the way to the homestead, it was decided that Larry would go inside with the others and I would ring the doorbell. Dad H greeted Larry in the driveway and took about 5 minutes to register that I was there as well (hehehe). They went inside while Eleanor and I waited at the front door. I rang the bell, thankfully Eleanor managed to keep quiet for a bit, and Mum H answered with '....what?!?!?!'.

Eleanor all set for her big adventure (at 4.30am)!

As the day went on, other family members were in and out. Gerry's reaction was the best though! I think we almost had to pry her off the ceiling and were all temporarily deafened ;) !!

After a visit with all the gathered family, we headed up to surprise Jo! All she could manage was 'What are you doing here?'!! Thanks Jo, come all that way and I don't even get a 'hi' ;) !! Her phone call with the news of their daughters birth was the reason I booked flights!

Jo before she saw us 
(Larry was trying to catch her expression as we walked in the door)

Cuddles with Dayna

Jo catching up with (a sleepy) Eleanor 
(who was 2 weeks old when they last saw each other)

Eleanor (intent on eating her dress) and Dayna

 After a short visit, we headed back to the homestead for a quick rest before the onslaught of people/activities/fun began with the Huizinga/Janssen reunion!

 Cuddles with Aunty Diana

Action in the pool yard!

Clive and Kiera

Gorgeous Sophy (from Karlo and Annet Janssen)

Dad H directing proceedings

Start of the kids treasure hunt

From L to R: Annet and Sophy, Wendy, Me and Eleanor, Dad H

From R to L: Dean, Len, Damian, Emma, Rachel, Mrs Janssen

Huizinga/Janssen grandkids 
(minus Alywn, Quinlan, Sebastian and Eleanor - she was sleeping)

 Huzinga's and Janssen's 
(trying to replicate an old photo from a holiday nearly 20 years ago)

 Sunday we spent with Larry's family, I snuck up to Rockingham while everyone went to Church in the afternoon.

Ash, Elliott and Eleanor

Mother and daughter!

 Dayna waving 'bye'

 We caught of with some friends and their gorgeous girl in the evening before Larry headed home (yup, sort and sweet).

Gorgeous Adelle (from Joy and DongWoo)

 Monday Eleanor and I spent some time with Sarah, Janneke, Tash and relevant kids, finally got a tour of Bruce and Sarah's house and managed to sneak in a few more cuddles of my new niece before heading home on the midnight horror!

Lunch at McDonalds (where else can you 
sit in peace and catch up while the kids can play?)
Evan didn't want to look in the group photo!

Cousins, holding hands already!

Little Miss Bright Eyes, Dayna

Eleanor was/is a great traveler, it's much easier taking a 12 week old than a 11+ month old! She slept on both flights home, we had 3 seats to stretch out on on the flight to Melbourne. Got squished into a window seat to Hobart (at least it's only a short flight from Melb).

The boys had their own adventure at Granny's house and had a blast with her! THANK YOU so much for having them, Granny! Thank you to Mum and Dad H who put us up for the weekend, and to Bruce and Sarah for the loan of the car!!

Til next time.......


  1. Great post, BJ! You're going to have to show it to Eleanor in ten years, so she can see all the fuss and excitement she went through!! :) Glad you had a great weekend.

  2. Hi Bj,

    That's one exceptional blog post! Loved it - you just summed up an amazing weekend.

    Great photos all round - arriving, reunion, with Jo & fam, Dong Woo & Joy and others.



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